Welcome Fellow Bourbon Lovers

Hello, my name is Patrick, but you can call me “Pops”.

I need to get something off my chest, an admission of sorts. You see, I really, really love bourbon. It’s become quite the obsession of mine over the last few years, and despite the fact that I don’t live in Kentucky, I’ve done a pretty good job of getting my hands on various bourbons to taste and bourbon-related information to better educate myself on the mighty brown.

While my wife supports my obsession, she doesn’t quite appreciate bourbon like I do. (Trust me. I’m working on her, and someday she will come around. I promise.) Lacking a bourbon-drinking buddy at home, I did what any logical person would do – I started a Bourbon Club at my office with a few colleagues. One thing led to another, and I decided to launch a Facebook page called Bourbon & Banter to connect with other bourbon lovers worldwide. In months, I’ve connected with almost 400 bourbon lovers from around the globe, and I’ve been enjoying every comment and interaction.

But now it’s time to take things to the next level and expand the Bourbon & Banter brand into a full-scale website. Through my efforts, I hope to connect with even more bourbon lovers and expand the great community we’ve built on Facebook. I’m not a professional blogger or writer, so the task is a little daunting, but since I do have digital marketing experience, I decided it was worth a shot. After all, there are a lot worse things to do with my time than talk about bourbon and make new friends.

The Bourbon & Banter website is brand new today, so please be patient as I work out the kinks and get into the groove of adding new content. Once up and running, I hope to provide readers with content that will educate them on bourbon, help them experience new brands, enjoy the bourbon lifestyle and make new friends. Most importantly, I plan to do it honestly, directly, and without bias.

Thank you for stopping by and taking a look around. I hope you will bookmark my site and return regularly with bourbon in hand to see what’s new. If you like what you see please join us on our Facebook page and let a friend know what we’re doing. Bourbon is experiencing a newfound popularity, but sometimes, you have to nudge people a little to discover the inner bourbon lover.


Patrick “Pops” Garrett