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Storytime with Dan Gardner – Bourbon & Banter Podcast #21

The 21st episode of the Bourbon & Banter podcast – Storytime with Dan Gardner – is now available for your listening and drinking pleasure. The Bourbon & Banter team celebrated our 10th anniversary earlier this year, and we let the mics roll a few times.

Storytime with Dan Gardner Header Image

The 21st episode of the Bourbon & Banter podcast – Storytime with Dan Gardner - is now available for your listening and drinking pleasure.

The Bourbon & Banter team celebrated our 10th anniversary earlier this year, and we let the mics roll a few times. This episode brings some of those conversations together, which were all done safely and socially distanced once our team was fully vaccinated.

Pops and Bob welcome senior contributors Jim Knudsen and Thomas Fondano for an impromptu blind tasting and some insider info on a few things that you’ll only hear on this podcast. We also make another dive into our ongoing crusade against celebrity bourbon. This segment replaces our standard Bourbon Bullshit segment.

We then transition to our main focus for this episode, a candid conversation with one of the most respected people in the bourbon industry, Dan Gardner, the legendary sales manager and brand ambassador for Four Roses. Some of you may have met him at a tasting event or whiskey festival, and some may have been lucky enough to snag a bottle of our first Four Roses Private Barrel selection, dubbed “The Constant Gardner” in tribute to Dan.

Whenever Dan Gardner is around, inevitably it turns into storytime with tales of whiskey legends, history of the industry, and insight that very few people can bring to the table. Dan shares several Julian Van Winkle stories, one of which involves Maker’s Mark, red wax, and the beginnings of the secondary market.

There are stories about Jim Rutledge, drilling down into fermenter specs, and other aspects of running a distillery. Four Roses yeast strains and barrel variations are further discussed, and Dan advises people wanting to get into the whiskey industry.

We close out with a lightning round where Dan gives his thoughts on sonic aging, small barrels, flavored whiskey, and the secondary market.

As the most honest podcast in bourbon, we don't pull any punches and we tell it like we see it. If you've been searching for a bourbon podcast that provides honest commentary, to the point information, and doesn't take itself too seriously – welcome home!

Are you ready? Pour yourself a drink, get comfortable, and listen to Episode 21 using the player above or via your favorite podcast player.

Warning: If you're not comfortable with unapologetic, independent thinking, plus a healthy dose of swearing, you might want to skip this one folks. It's recorded at barrel strength with full-throttle banter.

We sure hope you enjoyed episode #21 of the official Bourbon & Banter podcast and that you'll consider sharing it with your friends. We'd love to hear what you think in the comments below or by sending us an email via our podcast email address.

Here's to a new year and remember to stay safe while you're spreading the bourbon gospel and learning to #drinkcurious.

Hey, wait a minute. You have listened to all of our previous episodes, right? If not, head on over to our Bourbon & Banter Podcast page to get caught up.