Jack Bourbon? – Bourbon & Banter Podcast #28
The 28th episode of the Bourbon & Banter podcast – Jack Bourbon? – is now available for your listening and drinking pleasure. As you can tell from the title, this podcast addresses the most often-asked question in American whiskey. Bourbon Heritage Month has come to a close.

The 28th episode of the Bourbon & Banter podcast – Jack Bourbon? - is now available for your listening and drinking pleasure. As you can tell from the title, this podcast addresses the most often-asked question in American whiskey.
Bourbon Heritage Month has come to a close, and we’re thrilled with the response we received during the best damn month of the year. We recap BHM22, and Pops wonders: “should we do the Twelve Days of Bourbon Cream in December?” Bob isn’t convinced this is worth doing, though.
The Bourbon & Banter Members Community is in full swing. There are great new content opportunities for members, like Bourbon Bullshit Live and unique tasting opportunities. It’s also home to quality conversation between whiskey lovers, whether old or new. The Community is free of crotch shots and tiresome trends in other bourbon social media groups. Instead, there are conversations about things like favorite glassware, home distilling, and great giveaway opportunities.
The Bourbon & Banter Single Barrel Club continues to roll along. We just completed our selections at Maker’s Mark, Knob Creek, and our long-awaited Wyoming Whiskey single-barrel pick. All this year’s single barrels will be more accessible to members, too, as we’re able to ship nationwide.
One of the single barrels we're most excited about is our KO Distilling barrel, which we'll choose through a special virtual tasting with the distillery from nine different barrels. These are great folks making great craft whiskey; if you know us, you know that's not something we say often.
The WHISKEY NEWS begins with an exclusive interview with Grace Fitzmorris of the Bourbon & Barbecue Louisville Festival, a new event happening this November along the riverfront in Louisville. Bourbon & Banter is the official podcast partner of the festival, and Pops will be on site with Bourbon & Banter Editor Steve Coomes to chat with folks. Barbecue and bourbon sound like a match perfect for the most honest podcast in bourbon.
Brown Forman has acquired Diplomatico Rum because why not? A recent study showed Iowa has the heaviest drinking millennials in the United States. We weren’t surprised by this statistic because what the hell is there to do in Iowa besides drink? Speaking of people who need something to do, Connor McGregor is looking for a professional partier to join his Proper No. 12 Irish whiskey brand.
As we get into limited release season, new whiskeys from Widow Jane, Kentucky Owl, Metallica’s Blackened Whiskey, and Redemption Whiskey. Wild Turkey’s Masters Keep this year will revisit their Unforgiven “mistake,” albeit at a much-increased price point from previous years.
This episode’s title references the question guaranteed to bring fights among American whiskey diehards everywhere: is Jack Daniel’s bourbon? The Lynchburg, TN, distillery has finally made a bold statement on that question, releasing its very first bourbon.
Our final news item comes from Buffalo Trace, who announced they’ll have more Van Winkle releases this fall, but you’ll never see any of them.
The CRAFT SHOOT returns, but will our palates return from this month’s offering? The jury is still out on that one.
We close the episode with the most honest segment in all of bourbon podcasting…BOURBON BULLSHIT. Last month we discussed Silent Pool Distillery’s asinine behavior, embracing a misogynistic attitude. Turns out, that’s a habit for the distillery. We say there’s plenty of other stuff to drink out there.
We think this story will qualify as a lead contender in our 2022 Bourbon Bullshit awards. Remember to let us know who is deserving of a BBS award by emailing us at podcast@bourbonbanter.com. We’ll sort through all the crap and dole those out at the end of the year.
A few more stories that are prime examples of bourbon bullshit include a recent announcement of England’s first bourbon. Never Say Die Bourbon finishes its maturation stage in England following a six-week ocean voyage from Kentucky. Somebody better clean up the ocean from the bullshit spread on that voyage. The Last Drop announced their newest $3,999 release, a blend of Kentucky straight whiskeys. Created by Sazerac Master Blender Drew Mayville, he took some of his favorite Sazerac whiskeys from the last 18 years to create the blend. So that’s where all of it went? Give us a bottle of Old Grand Dad Bonded and $3,979 and we’ll be just fine.
As the most honest podcast in bourbon, we don't pull any punches and we tell it as we see it. If you've been searching for a bourbon podcast that provides honest commentary, to-the-point information, and doesn't take itself too seriously – welcome home!
Here’s the breakdown for Episode #28 – Jack Bourbon?
- 21:49 Whiskey News
- 1:19:24 Craft Shoot
- 1:26:31 Bourbon Bullshit
Are you ready? Pour yourself a drink, get comfortable, and listen to Episode 28 using the player above or via your favorite podcast player.
Warning: If you're not comfortable with unapologetic, independent thinking, plus a healthy dose of swearing, you might want to skip this one folks. It's recorded at barrel strength with full-throttle banter.
We sure hope you enjoyed Episode 28 of the official Bourbon & Banter podcast and that you'll consider sharing it with your friends. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or by emailing us.
Have a great weekend and remember to stay safe while you're spreading the bourbon gospel and learning to #drinkcurious.
Hey, wait a minute. You have listened to all our previous episodes, right? If not, head on over to our Bourbon & Banter Podcast page to get caught up.