Help Wanted: Seeking Bourbon Evangelists
The past 16 months have been very exciting here at Bourbon & Banter as I’ve watched my little bourbon blog continue to grow and attract loyal & passionate readers. It’s been a tremendous amount of hard work to maintain the blog & our social media channels but I’m rewarded each and every time someone posts a comment, shares a link or likes us on Facebook. Everyday I look forward to interacting with all of you & spreading the bourbon of gospel. However, as anyone that maintains an active blog will tell you, it’s a lot of work. Writing content, maintaining the site, running the social media channels and responding to inquiries takes a lot of time. And when you have a full-time day job it’s even more of a challenge. While I’m always up for the challenge & love doing it, I don’t want the blog’s quality to suffer if I get behind in posting content. That’s why I’ve made the decision to seek out fellow bourbon lovers to become regular contributors to Bourbon & Banter.
I always knew that at some point I would seek out like-minded individuals to become official contributors to the community & I’m pretty excited about making it happen today. There’s a tremendous amount of talent & passion in the B&B community & I look forward to harnessing some of that to make us even better. If you’re interested in exploring becoming a contributor, here are the specifics for your consideration.
What: Bourbon & Banter is seeking a handful of volunteer contributors for the Bourbon & Banter website. Volunteers will help shape blog post ideas, write blog posts & provide assistance in sourcing information, graphics, etc. as needed in support of blog posts/content. At this time we’re only seeking volunteers – no paid positions. is a labor of love at this time. If somehow your contributions lead to explosive overnight growth you can bet your ass you’ll be compensated fairly. I swear on a bottle of bourbon to that fact.
Why: Maintaining a blog is a lot of work. As continues to grow the challenge increases as well to keep posting engaging & interesting content. Having help will make life a little easier & will expand the ideas & opinions expressed on the blog which I think will only make Bourbon & Banter stronger & more appealing to readers.
When: I’m looking for a handful of contributors right now. Once I receive interest & the required information I’ll make my selection as quickly as possible.
Who: You must reside in the USA & be 21 years of age or older to become a contributor. (I will ask for proof of age for confirmation.) You must have a clear passion for all things bourbon & tolerance for other brown alcohols. A willingness to spread the bourbon gospel is expected as is a strong commitment to quality, timeliness & detail. You don’t have to be a professional writer but you do have to be able to put together your thoughts in a manner that won’t create more work for me. And of most importantly, you need to be willing to commit to a regular schedule of blog contribution. While I’m always open to guest bloggers, I’m really looking for folks who want to contribute on a regular basis & become a member of team.
How: Follow these instructions to the letter. Follow me on Twitter via @BourbonBanter. Tweet me your interest using the hashtag #bbgig. I’ll note your interest & get in touch with you with additional instructions. Including a good reason you want to join the team in your Tweet wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
I think that covers the basics for now. As I stated earlier in this post I’m pretty excited about having some folks join the team. It’s going to take some work to iron out the details but I know in the end it’s going to be a lot of fun & exciting to see what happens next. Thanks for continuing to be a part of Bourbon & Banter. I look forward to your Tweets.
~ Pops