Help Us Decide: Which Bourbon Shirt Should Be Next?
Maybe it’s the bourbon we’ve been drinking but sometimes we can get pretty in indecisive when it comes to the bourbon product designs we’re working on. We’ve been working to get our new bourbon bottle flag design put on a t-shirt and have come up with the 3 designs you see above.

Maybe it’s the bourbon we’ve been drinking but sometimes we can get pretty in indecisive when it comes to the bourbon product designs we’re working on. We’ve been working to get our new bourbon bottle flag design put on a t-shirt and have come up with the 3 designs you see above.
Option 1 will definitely be released but we need your help in deciding if we should release option 2 or option 3 along with it. Only difference is the font but sometimes the font makes the choice more difficult than it should be.
With a little luck and your help we’ll make a decision and get these released this week.
Let us know what you think via the form below. No strings attached. Thanks for your input and we hope you enjoy the design.
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Which Shirt Design Do You Prefer?
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