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German Light Bulb Voltage Tester Vintage Bar

I’m a sucker for a cool looking bar for the home or office. When I came across this 1920s German Light Bulb Voltage Tester bar this morning I knew I had to share it with everyone.

Cool Vintage Home Bar

I’m a sucker for a cool looking bar for the home or office. When I came across this 1920s German Light Bulb Voltage Tester bar this morning I knew I had to share it with everyone. This replica bar is amazing. Weighing in at over 250 lbs and available at a cost of $1,995 it’s not for the faint of heart. However, if you have the financial means and a strong back it would make a killer addition to your home/office. Read more about this vintage bar and purchase your very own via Restoration Hardware’s website.

What do you think of this vintage bar design? Is it unique enough for your home or is it a little too much for your design style? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Cool Home Bar