#BOURBON: A Toast to America’s Native Spirit
We’d like to propose a toast. An epic toast. A toast that will spread the bourbon gospel far and wide and reach those who have yet to try bourbon and fall in love.
That’s right folks. I’m proposing the world’s largest Twitter toast in celebration of National Bourbon Heritage Month. Are you with me?
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For far too long, usage of the hashtag #bourbon has trailed lesser spirit hashtags like #tequila, #gin and #vodka. It’s time for the bourbon nation to unite and raise our glasses and Tweets in celebration of America’s native spirit.
The toast we’re proposing consists of 2 parts:
1) Get more people using the #bourbon hashtag during the month of September than those using #tequila, #gin and #vodka
2) Flood Twitter with #bourbon on Friday, September 27th with the goal of getting #bourbon to become a trending topic on Twitter
It’s an ambitious plan but we know that with the full support of the bourbon nation we can make it happen.
Here’s what you can do to help the cause:
1) When talking about bourbon or booze on Twitter make sure to use the hashtag #bourbon.
2) Encourage your family, friends and co-workers to use the #bourbon hashtag as well. Hell, buy them a drink if it will get them using it.
3) Help us get bourbon brands and distilleries to join the cause. Tweet them an invite to this page and ask for their help.
4) Know a celebrity that drinks bourbon? Tweet them asking for their support. You can send them to this page for all the details. If we get enough people reaching out to them they might just join us.
5) As we approach September 27th, remind everyone to rally the troops in their use of the #bourbon hashtag on that day so we can become a trending topic.
6) Tweet early. Tweet often. Tweet responsibly.
Throughout the month we’ll keep everyone updated on our #bourbon hashtag progress and provide reminders leading up to September 27th. (BTW, thats the same day of WhiskyFest in San Francisco. Coincidence? Not a chance. ;))
With your support we’re going to make the history books with our toast to America’s native spirit – BOURBON.
Thanks for everything you do to spread the bourbon gospel and good luck!
PS – Did we mention that throughout the month we’ll pick random Tweets using #bourbon to receive free bourbon schwag? Yep, we sure are. Just another reason to get out there on Twitter and spread the word about #bourbon.